What Helps with Dry Skin on the Face?

The challenge of figuring out whether you had oily, combination or dry skin was an exciting mystery – the chance to finally invest in the correct skincare. If you fell in the bracket of dry skin, particularly xeroderma, we’re here to expand your knowledge and give you some tips on how to manage it! Xeroderma is a common condition where your skin lacks moisture leading it to feel rough, tight, and occasionally itchy. There’s plenty of reasons behind this condition such as weather, lifestyle and aging, but luckily it can be easier to manage with a few simple changes! If you stick with us, you might just find your holy grail of a new routine that’ll gently transform your skin for the better!

It’s time to spill the tea on why you’re dealing with dry skin and nope, you’re not just cursed!

Our first culprit is environmental factors – feels only fair to keep blaming the world for our sufferings, right? As unfortunate as it is to live in such cold conditions, they’re also partly responsible for us forking out money for the top moisturizing products. Chilly weather and low humidity levels can strip your skin of its natural moisture – so unprovoked – and leave it prone to dryness and irritation. Add the winter wind into that and suddenly, your skin’s protective oil layer is disappearing and on the verge of some damage. If it isn’t enough to have Mother Nature being shady, indoor heating during the cold seasons gatekeeps your skin further from moisture in the air, going as far as causing flakiness – we really don’t want to be the bearer of bad news here! We can’t forget about the warm weather… With the little sun we see, even excessive sun exposure means a field day for skin damage and dehydration. Being aware of how the weather can affect your skin can help you to take proactive steps to combat the damage – think of moisturisers and sunscreen as your new best friends!

Next up, we’ve got lifestyle factors! Whatever you’re doing in your daily routine may also be contributing further to dry skin spells starting with hot showers – nobody wants to hear this, we know. Frequent exposure to hot water will, you guessed it, strip your skin of its natural oils too. The one soothing thing will occasionally be an enemy of progress! Using harsh soaps and detergents have the ability to disrupt your skin’s moisture barrier, adding to the flakiness that you’ve already been at war with unfortunately. Try switching it up to gentler formulas and see how your skin responds! Getting a new water bottle is always exciting, but make sure you’re getting your sips in because dehydration can exasperate your dry skin no matter what actions you’ve been taking. Couple that with a diet that lacks essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, and your skin will be left vulnerable to worsened dryness. Saving the worst until last, excessive caffeine, smoking or alcohol aren’t on your side this time. They’re known to reduce your skin’s ability to retain moisture also, so it’s a good idea to switch to a cheeky mocktail from time to time or limit your coffee to a whopping one cup a day – don’t shoot the messenger!

Medical conditions can also have a hand at your skin’s dryness. Things such as eczema and psoriasis are common disorders that cause dryness, itching and inflammation to name a few. Whilst they’re not fun to deal with, there’s a ton of products tailored to supporting your skin and making it more manageable. There’s also hypothyroidism, which is an underactive thyroid gland that reduces oil production in the skin and diabetes with its dehydration and poor circulation. These conditions ultimately increase the risk of dryness, but with tips from your local healthcare team, you’ll get the correct approach to dealing with how it affects your skin! A few other conditions to note are Sjögren's syndrome, an autoimmune disorder and kidney disease. The ability to produce moisture and balance fluids are largely impacted causing them to manifest with tricky skin! The dear cherry on top – medications… Ones such as diuretics and retinoids can have extremely drying effects, so it’s always a good idea to go ahead and read those tiny, printed side effects before you jump headfirst into dry and irritated skin! Understanding your condition is the first step to finding a method that ultimately lets your skin breathe for a moment!

Last but not least, aging! Our favourite natural process, but it does come with some side effects… While it may be in your genes to age like fine wine, there’s also potentially a little room for skin moisture to do a runner. As the years go by, your skin produces less oil, meaning dryness and reduced elasticity. It’s a bummer we know, but the skin’s natural ability to retain moisture starts to wilt and you might experience rougher and more flaky textures. Essential skin proteins for firmness and suppleness like collagen and elastin, eventually decrease over time no matter how hard we pray that they don’t. Also, the skin’s renewal process will slow down and lead to a thinner outer later that struggles to maintain moisture. The concept of aging and retiring a hottie are lush, but staying on top of important skincare routines will have you looking decades younger while figuring out retirement! Unfortunately, it’s not a process we can slow down or avoid, but with the perfect moisturisers and products, you might just find yourself a little hack!

We weren’t just going to drop a bombshell on you and leave you hanging! We’d never leave you without the best tips and advice for managing dry skin!

Let’s start with cleansing. Not to be dramatic but having a good cleansing routine is like finding gold at the end of the rainbow – or in this instance, great skin! It plays a crucial role in managing dry skin by removing dirt, oil, and impurities that clog your pores – without permission – and prevent moisture absorption. Adding a gentle cleanser to your array of products helps to maintain the skin’s natural oils, which are essential for hydration. With the right cleansing, you can prepare your skin for those gorgeous moisturisers and encourage them to penetrate more effectively for deeper hydration! Remember, don’t splash around in burning hot water otherwise it’ll counteract your good deeds! Use lukewarm water instead, and cleanse twice a day for the ideal results. Go for fragrance-free and soap-free cleansers to avoid irritating your skin!

Moving onto to moisturising – every man and woman’s best friend! This step is crucial for providing hydration and forming a protective barrier to retain moisture for your skin! Including a great moisturiser into your routine aids in replenishing the skin’s natural oils and prevents dryness and flakiness – just what we wanted! After cleansing, apply your favourite moisturiser – the one that always ensures your skin remains hydrated by trapping water in the outer layer. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides - these are all known to enhance hydration and repair that fabulous skin barrier! It’s best to apply your moisturiser while the skin is still damp, so it can lock in the moisture as best as possible. Think about applying it after bathing and before bed so your skin can get used to its new amazing lifestyle of soft suppleness!

Next up we have exfoliating (one of our favourite steps). Exfoliation is great for managing dry skin by removing dead skin cells that contribute to a flaky, dull nature. A good old exfoliator can help to promote cell turnover, meaning your healthier skin cells can thrive at the surface! Gentle exfoliation also enhances the absorption of all your other lush products and giving them the chance to do what they do best! Choose a mild exfoliant, such as those containing alpha hydroxy acids, or beta hydroxy acids – these help to rid of dead skin without that ghastly irritation. Incorporate this step 1-2 times a week depending on skin sensitivity – too much exfoliation can strip the skin of its natural oils! The perfect amount will help to keep dry skin smooth, radiant, and more receptive to hydrating TLC! What’s a skincare routine without sunscreen!? Sun protection is vital for managing dry skin and overall skin health. As much as we love a little bask here and there, too much exposure to UV rays can damage your skin’s barrier and encourage moisture loss and dryness. With that, you should aim to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to help shield your precious skin from harmful rays, sunburn, and long-term damage. This fan-favourite product should always be applied every day to all exposed skin! If you’re prepared to commit, you might even go the extra mile by reapplying it every two hours to ensure continuous protection. By adding sunscreen into your routine, you’ll easily protect against dryness and reduce the risk of skin conditions!

Ever tried a hydrating mask? These’ll win you over in a heartbeat! Hydrating masks are an awesome way to replenish moisture and nourish dry skin. Formulated with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, aloe vera, and vitamins, they’ll help attract and retain moisture in the skin! By applying a mask, you’re inviting an intensive barrier against moisture loss while improving the texture of your skin! Indulge in a mask 1-2 times weekly for improved skin hydration and overall appearance. Leave it on for the recommended time, then gently massage and rinse off to reveal happier skin!

Don’t be a stranger to the spa! A good treatment will always welcome you with open arms!

For dry skin, book in to try phototherapy, also known as light therapy! These treatments will work wonders for those struggling with dry skin. Phototherapy involves using specific wavelengths of light to treat dryness, inflammation and more. It can stimulate collagen production and improve elasticity by helping to reduce dryness and fine lines – who could say no to that! These sessions can also enhance blood circulation to promote nutrient delivery and hydration to the skin cells. It’s non-invasive and can be customised to target your concerns – you and your gentle skin will be in great hands! Regular sessions can greatly support in rejuvenating and hydrating dry skin, leaving a more radiant and smoother texture!

Microdermabrasion is another popular spa treatment for those with dry skin! These work by exfoliating the outer layer of dead skin cells – it’s about time those got the boot anyway. This method uses a device with fine crystals or a diamond-tipped wand to gentle remove the dead skin cells for smoother and fresher skin underneath! With no more outer dead cells, your skin’s texture is in for a treat with better moisture absorption and whatever else you you’ve got on your dresser! It’s another method that stimulates collagen production – we love to see it. Microdermabrasion done regularly can maintain smoother, more hydrated skin for a healthier complexion.

Chemical peels are also up on the list for dry skin support! They’re an effective spa treatment for managing dry skin by exfoliating the outer layers of the skin. These solutions usually contain acids such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), or trichloroacetic acid (TCA) – the professionals always know best! By removing dead skin cells, unclogging pores, and promoting cell turnover, you can look forward to hydrated and soft skin! Let’s give it up again for collagen production! Chemical peels are also known to enhance this aspect for better skin texture and elasticity over time. It’s essential to follow post-treatment care instructions such as moisturising and avoiding sun exposure for the best results and minimised side effects! We don’t want your dedication to go to waste!

Laser therapy is another great option known to effectively address dry skin through targeted light energy! A non-invasive treatment, it stimulates that good old collagen production and promotes skin renewal by penetrating deep into the skin’s layers. Laser therapy can also improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and enhance overall hydration by encouraging your skin’s natural healing process – sounds like heaven, right? It’s designed to target specific areas such as dry patches and uneven skin tone while leaving the rest of the tissue unaffected! There are plenty of options such as ones that focus on gentle rejuvenation all the way to more intensive sessions for deeper skin issues! With this treatment in your routine, you can enjoy smoother and more hydrated skin!

Finally, we have injectable moisturisers! Known to be amazing skin boosters, these are like magic for dry skin! Packed with hyaluronic acid, they deeply hydrate dry patches, plump skin and smooth out the texture. They do God’s work by restoring moisture, improving elasticity and giving you a fresh new glow! The procedures are simple and quick, meaning you can slot them right into your routine – lunchtime spa break anyone? Results are fast and with regular visits, your skin will thank you for the lush hydrating benefits.


Now that we’ve made our way through the causes and treatments for dry skin, you probably feel ready to undertake a dermatology apprenticeship now! While you might not quite be ready to dance with the professionals, you can certainly apply all your newfound knowledge to your own skin and give it the tailored treatment it deserves! With plenty of ingredients to research, and spa treatments to book, we’re super excited for your skincare journey to unfold and your dry skin to see brighter days. Our key takeaway: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!