What Laser Skin Treatments Are There?
We've got all kinds of laser skin treatment deals for you, whether you need total coverage or just want to target specific areas. All you need to do is decide on what you want the laser to treat: skin irregularities, sun spots, thread veins, wrinkles, lines, acne scars, blemishes or even hyperpigmentation! All these things come naturally with sun exposure but there's no reason to fret! With laser skin treatment the aim is that you'll be able to walk away with a healthy, glowing complexion that will give you long-lasting and noticeable results.
Is Laser Treatment Good For Your Skin?
Laser skin treatment may seem extremely daunting and scary but with the help of an experienced beautician you'll be able to relax and they'll be able to put your mind at ease. We know you're looking for the benefits and you've come to the right place! Just have a look at some of them below:
- A reduction in the size and appearance of acne scars, thread veins, stretch marks and more.
- Less noticeable facial lines and wrinkles
- A brighter and more youthful appearance
- Skin confidence and feeling like you have a new lease of life!
How Long Do Laser Skin Treatments Take To Heal?
If you find an offer and decide to get the treatment then we are sure you're interested in knowing how long the downtime is. Well, you'll be able to kick up your feet for four to ten days depending on your skin. During the first five to seven days the skin may become dry and 'peel' but after that, you'll be able to wear oil-free make-up to help minimise some of that redness! All you'll need to do is keep well hydrated and keep the area hydrated with doctor-approved creams and lotions and you'll be up and partying in no time.
What Are The Side Effects Of Laser Therapy
Like anything in life there are side effects and that includes laser skin treatment! But don't fret, they're not as bad as they seem. The most common side effect is skin irritation, temporary discomfort, crusting, blistering, redness and swelling. These should all go away within a couple of hours and then you'll be left with dryness and temporary pigment discolouration for a short period of time. You may be excited to show yourself off after your treatment but try and stay out of the sun, avoid hair removal methods, blood-thinning medications, lightening your skin and shaving the treatment area.